Elowen, our youngest daughter, was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease at 5 years old. It turns out, her kidneys simply don’t work so well. The last 5 years have been, at times, difficult. However, we move forward and we look at our challenges as opportunities.
Opportunities to help others, to educate others, and to support Elowen and all the other kids with chronic kidney disease.
Elowen is now 11 and a 5th grader at Elon Park Elementary. She is happy, she is stable, and she is incredibly optimistic about the future. This has happened because she is a patient at the Pediatric Nephrology Center of Excellence at Levine Children’s Hospital.
This is where all the good stuff happens.
Shortly after Elowen was diagnosed, we held a backyard talent show to raise money for the Pediatric Nephrology Center of Excellence. We wanted to buy toys for the kids and to help brighten their day. The backyard talent show was a great hit and it quickly grew into a lively, annual, community event - Karaoke for Kidneys. It’s big, big fun!
To date, we’ve raised over $50,000 for the Pediatric Nephrology Center of Excellence. The funds raised help children all over the Carolinas who endure chronic kidney disease. We help offset the patient’s costs of travel, their medical supplies, and help to further research efforts and clinical trials endeavored by the PNCE.
And we still donate really cool toys, too!
We would love your support in our efforts to further lend a hand to the PNCE. Perhaps someone in your own life has been impacted by kidney disease. Your donation will help foster continued support for kids like Elowen. They all deserve the best care possible.
Please check out our site and feel free to ask questions. My wife, Jen, and I are always more than happy to discuss our passion. Elowen and her two sisters, Kate and Lulu, will tell you all about it, too. They are made of awesome!
Big love,
Kyle, Jen, Kate, Lulu & Elowen
Check us out and smash that Donate button.