Please consider being a Koins for Kidneys Super Champion. The 3rd annual Koins for Kidneys is fast approaching and we're completely geeked! This past year we raised over $8,000 and confidence is high we'll do it again. We'll have big fun, help some great kids, and remain secretly made of awesome!
We hold the event each March in celebration of National Kidney Month. What better way to lend a hand and raise awareness? And here's the cool part - 100% of the money raised helps kids at the Pediatric Nephrology Center of Excellence at Levine Children's Hospital.
Wait, what? That's Awesome.

We provide all the materials. You provide the horsepower! Anytime during the month of March, you can hang the collection bags around the mailbox posts in your neighborhood. Your lovely neighbors will work their neighborly magic. Then, head-out a few days later to gather the coins. It's simple, helpful and super rewarding (on so many levels).
So, what do you say? Ready to be a Koins for Kidneys Super Champion!?!
PS. It's a great way to earn service hours. We'll vouch for ya! It's official.